Nepali Number 1 to 100 with image, tracing worksheet in pdf free to download
० |
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१ |
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२ |
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३ |
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४ |
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५ |
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६ |
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७ |
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८ |
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९ |
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१-५१ |
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५१-१०० |
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The Nepali number are the Devanagari number which are the numeral symbols of Devanagari script.
Nepali Number 1-100
The Devanagari number is used in Sanskrit, Nepali and Hindi languages. Nepal have used the Devanagari numerals in first three and then two-two counting system, like first three numbers as "SAYA" (,000) for eg. 123 its prounced as "100" One Hundred and the first "23" as combined "twenty three". If the number is more than 3 digits like 12,34,567 comma is used as 3 in first and two-two in then its prounced as 12 Lakh, 34 Hajar, 5 SAYA Satsatthi. As the roman system follows all three-three counting as Hundred, Million, Billion. But Number in Nepali language is different and unique. While converting number from Nepali to English or English to Nepali we may have confused the counting system. NEPALI NUMBER IN WORDS helps you to easily convert the numbers from one script to other. This converter will convert numbers to words in both NEPALI and ENGLISH language. The number to words can be done for real numbers and Scientific E Notation. Limited to use of 13 characters and 1e12. In case of decimal it works two decimal only (XXX.XX).
Numeral Roman | Numeral Devnagari | Written Devanagari |
0 | ० | शुन्य (śunya) |
1 | १ | एक (ēk) |
2 | २ | दुई (duī) |
3 | ३ | तीन (tīn) |
4 | ४ | चार (cār) |
5 | ५ | पाँच (pāṃc) |
6 | ६ | छ (cha) |
7 | ७ | सात (sāt) |
8 | ८ | आठ (āṭh) |
9 | ९ | नौ (nau) |
10 | १० | दश (daś) |
11 | ११ | एघार (ēghār) |
12 | १२ | बाह्र (bāhr) |
13 | १३ | तेह्र (tēhr) |
14 | १४ | चौध (caudh) |
15 | १५ | पन्ध्र (pandhr) |
16 | १६ | सोह्र (sōhr) |
17 | १७ | सत्र (satr) |
18 | १८ | अठार (aṭhār) |
19 | १९ | उन्नाइस (unnāis) |
20 | २० | विस (vis) |
21 | २१ | एक्काइस (ēkkāis) |
22 | २२ | बाइस (bāis) |
23 | २३ | तेईस (tēīs) |
24 | २४ | चौविस (cauvis) |
25 | २५ | पच्चिस (paccis) |
26 | २६ | छब्बिस (chabbis) |
27 | २७ | सत्ताइस (sattāīs) |
28 | २८ | अठ्ठाईस (aṭhṭhāīs) |
29 | २९ | उनन्तिस (unantis) |
30 | ३० | तिस (tis) |
31 | ३१ | एकत्तिस (ēkattis) |
32 | ३२ | बत्तिस (battis) |
33 | ३३ | तेत्तिस (tēttis) |
34 | ३४ | चौँतिस (cauṃtis) |
35 | ३५ | पैँतिस (paiṃtis) |
36 | ३६ | छत्तिस (chattīs) |
37 | ३७ | सैँतीस (saiṃtīs) |
38 | ३८ | अठतीस (aṭhatīs) |
39 | ३९ | उनन्चालीस (unancālīs) |
40 | ४० | चालीस (cālīs) |
41 | ४१ | एकचालीस (ēkacālīs) |
42 | ४२ | बयालीस (bayālīs) |
43 | ४३ | त्रियालीस (triyālīs) |
44 | ४४ | चवालीस (cavālīs) |
45 | ४५ | पैँतालीस (paiṃtālīs) |
46 | ४६ | छयालीस ( chayālīs) |
47 | ४७ | सच्चालीस (saccālīs) |
48 | ४८ | अठचालीस (aṭhacālīs) |
49 | ४९ | उनन्चास (unancās) |
50 | ५० | पचास (pacās) |
51 | ५१ | एकाउन्न (ēkāunn) |
52 | ५२ | बाउन्न (bāunn) |
53 | ५३ | त्रिपन्न (tripann) |
54 | ५४ | चउन्न (caunn) |
55 | ५५ | पचपन्न (pacapann) |
56 | ५६ | छपन्न (chapann) |
57 | ५७ | सन्ताउन्न (santāunn) |
58 | ५८ | अन्ठाउन्न (anṭhāunn) |
59 | ५९ | उनन्साठी (unansāṭhī) |
60 | ६० | साठी (sāṭhī) |
61 | ६१ | एकसट्ठी (ēkasaṭṭhī) |
62 | ६२ | बयसट्ठी (bayasaṭṭhī) |
63 | ६३ | त्रिसट्ठी (trisaṭṭhī) |
64 | ६४ | चौंसट्ठी (caunsaṭṭhī) |
65 | ६५ | पैंसट्ठी (painsaṭṭhī) |
66 | ६६ | छयसट्ठी (chayasaṭṭhī) |
67 | ६७ | सतसट्ठी (satasaṭṭhī) |
68 | ६८ | अठसट्ठी (aṭhasaṭṭhī) |
69 | ६९ | उनन्सत्तरी (unansattarī) |
70 | ७० | सत्तरी (sattarī) |
71 | ७१ | एकहत्तर (ēkahattar) |
72 | ७२ | बहत्तर (bahattar) |
73 | ७३ | त्रिहत्तर (trihattar) |
74 | ७४ | चौहत्तर (cauhattar) |
75 | ७५ | पचहत्तर ( pacahattar) |
76 | ७६ | छयहत्तर (chayahattar) |
77 | ७७ | सतहत्तर (satahattar) |
78 | ७८ | अठहत्तर (aṭhahattar) |
79 | ७९ | उनासी (unāsī) |
80 | ८० | असी (asī) |
81 | ८१ | एकासी (ēkāsī) |
82 | ८२ | बयासी (bayāsī) |
83 | ८३ | त्रियासी (triyāsī) |
84 | ८४ | चौरासी (caurāsī) |
85 | ८५ | पचासी (pacāsī) |
86 | ८६ | छयासी (chayāsī) |
87 | ८७ | सतासी (satāsī) |
88 | ८८ | अठासी (aṭhāsī) |
89 | ८९ | उनान्नब्बे (unānnabbē) |
90 | ९० | नब्बे (nabbē) |
91 | ९१ | एकान्नब्बे (ēkānnabbē) |
92 | ९२ | बयानब्बे (bayānabbē) |
93 | ९३ | त्रियान्नब्बे ( triyānnabbē) |
94 | ९४ | चौरान्नब्बे (caurānnabbē) |
95 | ९५ | पन्चानब्बे (pancānabbē) |
96 | ९६ | छयान्नब्बे (chayānnabbē) |
97 | ९७ | सन्तान्नब्बे (santānnabbē) |
98 | ९८ | अन्ठान्नब्बे (anṭhānnabbē) |
99 | ९९ | उनान्सय (unānsay) |
100 | १०० | एक सय (ek say) |
If you want to learn more number to words goto below links :
- Devanagari Numerals
- Number in Nepali
- Nepali Number in words
- Devanagari Numerals in english word
- Devanagari Numerals in Nepali