Nepali Vowel A AA to Am Aha अ आ to अं अः chart, worksheet with image in pdf free download

A, AA Nepali Vowel A to AH (अ, आ ,..., अः ) with image, tracing worksheet in pdf free to download

Alphabet A अ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter AA आ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter I इ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter ई ii  tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter उ U tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter ऊ UU tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter RI ऋ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter EA  ए tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter EAI ऐ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter O ओ  tracing worksheet free download .pdf
Nepali Vowel letter AU औ tracing worksheet free download .pdf
अं Nepali Vowel letter AM अं  tracing worksheet free download .pdf
अः Nepali Vowel letter AH अः tracing worksheet free download .pdf

Nepali Vowel letter अ-अः (A to AM) dotted tracing worksheet for kindergarten and PG class

    The Nepali alphabet is an important aspect of learning the Nepali language. There are 36 Nepali consonants and 13 Nepali vowels. Combining or independently they forms word and is written in Devanagari script. Knowing the alphabet and words is essential for anyone who wants to learn Nepali, as it's the building block of the language. 
While talking about the Nepali vowels, the first two are "अ" and "आ," which are similar to the English letters "a" and "aa," respectively.

The following 13 independent vowel letter of Nepali can be read as
अ /a/, आ /aa/, इ /i/, ई /ii/, उ /u/, ऊ /uu/, ऋ /ri/, ए /e/, ऐ /ai/, ओ /o/, औ /au/, अं /am/, अः /ah/

 However, it's important to note that the pronunciation of these letters may vary from their English equivalents. 

Learning the Nepali alphabet can be challenging for beginners, so we have created the worksheet with handwriting design in pdf format to make it easier to write the Nepali vowels. One of the best resources is a Nepali alphabet PDF, which can be downloaded and used for self-study. Kids,  kindergarten,  preschool kids and school students may find the worksheet as learning book or material to create the concept of Nepali alphabet in easy and funway. There are also online tutorials and courses we have designed that can help learners to master the Nepali alphabet.

In addition to the alphabet, it's crucial to know the Nepali vowels. There are basically thirteen vowels in Nepali: "अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ,ए,ऐ,ओ ,औ ,अं,अः" which can be transliterated as "a, aa, i, ii, u, uu, ri, e, ai, o, au, am, ah" in English. Vowels are essential for communication and play an important role in differentiating between words. Learning Nepali vowels can help learners to improve their pronunciation and comprehension of the language.

To improve recognition and retention, it's important to practice writing Nepali vowels by hand. By doing so, learners can develop muscle memory and improve their handwriting, which can help with communication. 

Overall, mastering the Nepali alphabet and vowels is crucial for anyone who wants to learn the language. By doing so, learners can expand their vocabulary and communicate more effectively in Nepali.

Lets look at the vowels how it forms words in Nepali

          ऊ          औ  अं  अः

Nepali Vowel letter A to AM

These Nepali vowel words can be read as :

a अaa आi इii ई
u उuu ऊri ऋe ए
ai ऐo ओau औam अं
ah अः

These independent vowels when meets or combines with Nepali Consonant Letters they forms a WORD.

स्वर बर्ण
ब्यन्जन बर्ण

You may have noticed  (्) this sign in Consonant which is called "HALANT" (हलन्त). 
Halant is the symbol that the consonant is not perfect or it is half only. When it combines with vowel then after it becomes a word.


क् +  ( अ )  =     क
ब् + इ  ( ि )  =    बि
 त् + आ ( ा  )  =  ता


In Nepali language all consonant should attract and combined with vowel letter to form a word. Whereas vowel may come independent.


अ  =   अ
च्   +  आ ( ा  )  =  चा
र्  +   ( अ )  =   र


In above example अ comes independent whereas चा  and  र  combines with vowels to form a perfect word.